Organizing & Advocacy
I have utilized my skills as a communicator for outreach on a variety of issues, including support for people with HIV/AIDS; sexual assault prevention; and racial and social justice. Since 2017, I’ve also been involved in state and federal legislative advocacy work and social organizing in Maine. See the information below for more details on some of those efforts.

Co-Leader, Suit Up Maine
February 2017 to present
Co-leader of Suit Up Maine (SUM), a statewide, all-volunteer, independent, grassroots constituent action group that seeks to build a more informed and engaged electorate across Maine’s 16 counties by raising awareness of and advocating for policies and legislation that promote equity and equality in civil rights, social justice, health care, the environment, education, the economy, and other areas that affect the lives of all people. Curate, research, and write calls to action, guides, and explainers, which are shared with our 5,000 members and with a network of dozens of other grassroots groups around the state via our website, email list, and social media channels. Collaborate with other grassroots groups, advocacy organizations, nonprofits, legislators and staff on state and federal legislation and policy. Created and maintain SUM’s website and manage the group’s email newsletter and Twitter and Instagram accounts. Coordinate the Maine Legislature Roundup and organize SUM members to submit testimony, write letters to the editors, and lobby their legislators in support or opposition to 50-75 bills each session, identified through partnerships with advocacy organizations and legislators. Manage the Voter Dashboard each election season, including the GOTV to Win resource.

Emerge Maine
Graduate, Class of 2018
Graduate of Emerge Maine, an organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for elected office. The signature program offers comprehensive training in all elements of running for office with a curriculum that covers such elements as public speaking, communications strategies, fundraising, field operations, and voter contact. Participants meet one weekend a month for six months, learning from each other and from current and former elected officials and Democratic party officials in the Emerge network and beyond. Emerge Maine is one of 26 state affiliates of Emerge America, which has trained more than 4,000 women nationwide.

Secretary, Waldoboro Recreation Committee
2018 to present
Serve as secretary of the Recreation Committee, re-commissioned by the Waldoboro Select Board in 2018 to work with the town’s recreation director on new and existing recreation activities for community members of all ages and to study the development of a proposed community/recreation center. The Recreation Committee meets monthly and advises the Select Board on a range of issues.

Volunteer, New Hope for Women
April 2017 to May 2018
Volunteer with the Crisis Line for New Hope for Women, which offers support services in Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties to those affected by domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Crisis line volunteers complete an intense, 40-hour training program that includes background on domestic violence in Maine, pertinent state laws, and how to respond to people in crisis. I was an after-hours crisis line volunteer, working 2-4 shifts each month.